Hyde Park Village Runs

The FIRST and THIRD Sundays, unless we have a club race, we run from Hyde Park Village.

***Procedures for Run Tampa Group Runs are at the top of the schedule page, here.***

Every Thursday evening, except during June, July, and August, we run the same route, except we shave off about a mile by taking Swann to Bayshore. See map below.

Where: Meet at the fountain in Hyde Park Village, 740 S. Village Drive. See map.

Route: Sundays, Rome to Bayshore to Platt Street Bridge to the Riverwalk to Harbour Island. See map below. Wednesdays, same except Swann to Platt Bridge, which shaves off about a mile.

Water: Water fountains at several locations along route (On Bayshore, next to fish sculpture by the pirate ship and next to restrooms by the Sail Pavilion.

Restrooms: Public restrooms at Hyde Park Village are open.

Parking: Free in three parking garages at Hyde Park Village


Hixon Park Downtown Riverwalk Run


Flatwoods Park