Safety Harbor

***Scroll down for photos/maps.

***Procedures for group runs explained at top of Schedule page, here.***

Where to meet: We meet by the fountain in the parking lot behind Starbucks at 100 Main Street.

Route: North on Bayshore, about 1.5 miles, then across a pretty little pedestrian bridge, into Philippe park, continuing to the north end of the park on asphalt path/road to boat ramp and back, about 4 miles. Restrooms near turnaround. Our cooler is placed where we enter the park. Once back at starting point, those running more miles - and Saturday is considered ‘long run day’ - continue south to the Ream Wilson Trail. Our cooler is always placed where the Ream Wilson Trail turns inland, about 1.5 miles from the start. Asphalt trail continues under a spectacular tree canopy to the McMullen Booth Pedestrian Overpass. Continue to The Long Center for a one-way distance of 5.5 miles from the start. Turn around at Kapok Park for 8 miles.

***Here is a link to an interactive map for the route to the Long Center.

Post run breakfast: Plenty of great breakfast options along Main Street. We normally eat at Athens Restaurant, 226 Main Street, a two-minute walk from the parking lot where we start/finish.

Parking: Parking options up and down Main Street, next to the park across Main Street from Starbucks, at the marina, across Bayshore, and at the library, all free.

Two water drops: one at the start, one where we enter Philippe Park.

Other water options: There is a water fountain at the restrooms beneath the pedestrian overpass at McMullen Booth.

Restrooms: Public restroom at Safety Harbor Public Marina, across the street from where we meet up and at Starbucks right where we start. Restrooms, also, in Philippe Park under the McMullen Booth pedestrian overpass and at later, at the Long Center.


Upper Tampa Bay Trail


Davis Islands